Saturday, 19 July 2014

Virtual World seems to be more Real - (NOMOPHOBIA)

You might be wondering, "What in the world is nomophobia?". But before you proceed further I assure that you have it..
'Phobia' is a fear of something that causes anxiety and stress.
But Nomo … what is nomo? Nomo is an abbreviation for “NO MOBILE PHONES”. The term was created after a study,conducted four years ago discovered that 53% of mobile phone users tended to be anxious when they “lost their mobile phone, ran out of battery or no longer had network coverage.”
So nomophobia is the fear of being away from your mobile phone!


Do you

  • have an inability to turn off your phone?
  • take your phone to the bathroom ?
  • obsessively check emails, texts, facebook, twitter, etc.?

Technological advances are certainly increasing day by day but with studies showing that we check our phones on an average 34 times a day, maybe we have gone a bit too far.
Technology is certainly taking over our life.....Our parents keep shouting,friends keep calling but our eyes are always glued to mobile screens.We chat with friends away from us..but ignore those sitting next to us.

Check your technology use

Have you become obsessive about checking your phone? Do you sometimes feel that the virtual universe is more real than the actual universe?
If that sounds like you, here are a few suggestions:

  • Check yourself and limit your own time on the phone.
  • If you are becoming isolated, withdrawn and depress, you may need to seek professional medical help.
  • It may seem silly, but we have to honestly ask these questions regularly and check the influence technology has over our lives. 

One day, you may look back on your youth and wish you had spent more time with God, family and friends. You will never look back and wish you spent more time on your phone.
So guys think over it.....!!!!

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