Sunday, 20 July 2014


Is suicide according to you a normal human action? Is it normal for a human being to have a desire to leave the face of the Earth? The answer seems obvious, but clearly it is not to the 1,000,000 people who commit suicide annually in the world.
Since life started on earth,people have been committing suicide.The term suicide describes the  act of taking one’s own life.Suicide is often used as an escape from painful circumstances.
The  growing feelings of loneliness, rootlessness, and the meaninglessness of life are contributing to increased suicide rates.

Suicidal tendencies among students have gone up as they are burdened with greater expectations from the parents coupled with academic pressure.Statistics show that more and more students are taking the extreme step of suicide in a bid to end their misery. The causes are due to failure or rejection by the society,failure of friendships and relationships… and not for purely economic reasons as was in the past. Generation gap too has been playing a significant role in driving the youngsters to commit suicide. Parents are busy in their respective professions and hardly have time to deal with the problems of their kids.Students are in great need of support during examination period, but they seldom find moral support and love from their parents.
How can we end the issue of suicide? Realistically, we can’t. All that we can do is an attempt to prevent it and help those in need.
Just remember that death can never provide relief…Pain is temporay but suicide is permanent and you cannot believe the impact it has on our family,friends and relatives.

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