Friday, 8 August 2014

The Monster Snake

Believe it or not .... But years after the extinction of Dinosaurs ,in the jungles of Columbia there lived a species of snakes whose characterstics make it unbelievable. The name of the snake is Titanoboa , meaning Titanic Boa. It had a huge size of 48 feet and the weight was 2500 pounds. Amazed? Aren't you?

Its huge size can be attributed to the warm climated it was present in. The presence of warmer climate meant presence of more and more prey which were bigger than the others that lived in cooler climates. It's diameter was similar to that of a man's waist. It was able to defeat any animal that he hunted. It was able to survive due to heavy rainfall in the area , rich vegetation and prey.

The river from which this snake took its prey had huge turtles, crocodiles which were a dozen feet long and 7 feet long lungfish.

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