Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Amazing Facts - Part 4

1. Penguins will give a pebble to the partner in order to propose.
2. Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
3. A strawberry is not a berry , but a banana is.
4. India has not invaded any country in the last 100000 years.
5. In Korea, people eat an octopus alive.

6. A condition known as "Truman Syndrome" makes the patient believe that he/she is living in a reality show on T.V. .
7. 80% of the 'pain healing pills' all around the world are used by the people of U.S.
8. A 'moment' was actually a unit of time in the medieval period . There were 40 moments in an hour.
9. 54% people from around the world suffer from Nomophobia (Click to know more..).
10. In China, people use more Internet on phones than on P.C.

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